Motor Vehicle Accident

Am I Covered by the Car Accident CTP Scheme?

MKF Lawyers

‘Am I covered by insurance?’ This is a common question that people often ask after sustaining injury in a motor vehicle accident. We discuss below how to find out whether you are covered by insurance for your injuries.



Am I Covered by the Car Accident CTP Scheme?

Motor Vehicle Accident


‘Am I covered by insurance?’ This is a common question that people often ask after sustaining injury in a motor vehicle accident. We discuss below how to find out whether you are covered by insurance for your injuries.

Am I Covered by the Car Accident CTP Scheme?

‘Am I covered by insurance?’ is a common question that injured people ask after a motor vehicle accident. As there are multiple insurances motorists can hold in relation to their motor vehicle, it can be confusing as to which insurance policy is relevant and therefore what to do. Non-motorists, such as pedestrians and cyclists can be further at a loss as to whether they can claim compensation in relation to injuries sustained in a motor vehicle accident.

The relevant insurance is the compulsory third party (‘CTP’) insurance that the motorist that caused the motor vehicle accident holds. CTP insurance is what is paid for when motor vehicle registration is renewed.

The CTP Insurance Regulator recently published an online tool to assist those injured in motor vehicle accidents to determine whether the injured person is covered by the CTP scheme. The tool can be accessed here.

Am I Covered by the Car Accident CTP Scheme?

The tool is a useful guide but is provided as information only and is not legal advice. At the conclusion of the drop down menu, a link to the CTP Injury Claim Form is provided.

If you have suffered injury in a motor vehicle accident within the last 3 years that was not your fault, it may be prudent to obtain legal advice. To speak to experienced motor vehicle accident solicitors at MKF Lawyers, contact us on 08 7093 2998.  

You can also check out other useful resources on our website, such as our recent blog about what to do after you have been injured in a motor vehicle accident that was someone else’s fault.