Motor Vehicle Accident

What is Maximum Medical Improvement and Why Does It Matter for My Motor Vehicle Accident Claim?

MKF Lawyers

Maximum Medical Improvement is a term that comes up in every motor vehicle accident claim.



What is Maximum Medical Improvement and Why Does It Matter for My Motor Vehicle Accident Claim?

Motor Vehicle Accident


Maximum Medical Improvement is a term that comes up in every motor vehicle accident claim.

What is Maximum Medical Improvement and Why Does It Matter for My Motor Vehicle Accident Claim?

This blog will explain:

  • What Maximum Medical Improvement means; and
  • Why it is an important concept in relation to a motor vehicle accident claim.

The American Medical Association’s Guides to the Evaluation of Permanent Impairment, Fifth Edition, which is used when considering motor vehicle accident claims in South Australia, defines Maximum Medical Improvement as “a condition or state that is well stabilised and unlikely to change substantially in the next year, with or without medical treatment”. This definition allows for there to be some change or fluctuation with the relevant injury or injuries and permits that minor treatments (such as physiotherapy or use of pain relief medication) could be continuing. This definition also contemplates that if a radical treatment, such as surgery, is not anticipated to occur within 12 months, then the relevant injury or injuries have reached Maximum Medical Improvement.

The concept of Maximum Medical Improvement is important in relation to motor vehicle accident claims because an accredited assessing doctor preparing an Injury Scale Value assessment report  must provide their opinion on  injury stability (the state of Maximum Medical Improvement being achieved).  

Further, an accredited assessing doctor will, in most cases, be unable to provide assessment and comment as to the Injury Scale Value item number of an injury if stability has not been achieved.

Maximum Medical Improvement/injury stability is critical for progressing an injured person’s claim The injured person requires an accredited assessing doctor to decide the range of Injury Scale Values that should apply to their claim before settlement can be considered.

Consequently, many motor vehicle accident claims are unable to be resolved until Maximum Medical Improvement of the injuries has been achieved.

If you or the CTP insurer are considering progressing to an Injury Scale Value medical assessment, it is important to evaluate whether the injuries have achieved Maximum Medical Improvement. If an Injury Scale Value medical assessment has been arranged by the CTP insurer, were commend you contact MKF Lawyers, before going to the assessment, to discuss your claim on a confidential basis. MKF Lawyers specialise in car accident claims and can assist you in securing the compensation you deserve.  Contact our car accident lawyers on 08 70932998 or by email to for a confidential, free first discussion about your compensation claim.