Childhood Sexual and/or Physical Abuse

I want to bring a claim for childhood abuse. What should I expect at my first appointment?

MKF Lawyers

I want to bring a claim for childhood abuse. What should I expect at my first appointment?



I want to bring a claim for childhood abuse. What should I expect at my first appointment?

Childhood Sexual and/or Physical Abuse


I want to bring a claim for childhood abuse. What should I expect at my first appointment?

I want to bring a claim for childhood abuse. What should I expect at my first appointment?

Making the decision to seek legal advice regarding a compensation claim for sexual abuse is very difficult.  Attending an appointment with a lawyer, whether that be in person, by videocall or by telephone, is the next daunting step.  When speaking to new clients, we are often told that this is the first time they have spoken to anyone about the circumstances and the effect of the abuse.  The abuse usually occurred many years prior to this discussion, and there may be barriers up around the information, which can make the discussion with a lawyer challenging.   At MKF Lawyers we understand the information shared with us is sensitive and that telling your story may require some time.  We will work with you to make you comfortable engaging in the process of telling your story, to make it as easy as possible for you.

At your first appointment we will ask for you to share as much information about the circumstances of the abuse and the effect it has had on you as you are comfortable with.  The circumstances of the abuse will include approximately when the abuse occurred, where it took place and who was involved.  Information about the effect of the abuse might include any impact upon your mental and physical health, and your ability to complete your education and undertake employment.    It may be that you want to share only the circumstances of the abuse and for us to explain the process of making a claim during your first discussion with us, leaving details of the effect of the abuse for another discussion.  We can work with you to make you feel comfortable and we are happy to communicate at a pace that suits you.  

There is no time limit for bringing a compensation claim for sexual abuse that occurred while a person was a child.  There is therefore no pressure on you to rush through the process of making a compensation claim.  Memories can fade with time so the earlier you are able to speak to a lawyer about making a compensation claim for sexual abuse, the better.  

If important witnesses such as the perpetrator, their employer or associates die or can’t be found then the Court may not allow your claim to proceed so the sooner you act the better.

I want to bring a claim for childhood abuse. What should I expect at my first appointment?

Our team consists of both senior male and senior female lawyers who are all highly experienced in bringing compensation claims for survivors of childhood sexual abuse. Each of our lawyers has experience in bringing compensation claims against churches, the Government, individual perpetrators and many other institutions.  We also have significant experience in making applications for compensation through the National Redress Scheme.

When contacting MKF Lawyers for the first time you can tell us whether you would prefer to speak to a female or male lawyer and how you would like to communicate with us.  We can communicate by telephone, videocall, email, text message or in person.  It may be that you would prefer to share some of your story with us by telephone or email, and the rest of your story at an in person appointment or by videocall.    We offer a range of communication options so that you feel comfortable sharing your story with us.  You can also have a support person attend with you at any appointment arranged with our office, should you wish to do so.

If you would like to speak to a member of our team regarding a compensation claim for childhood abuse, contact us on 08 7093 2998 or by email at  For more information about making a compensation claim for childhood abuse, you can visit our Abuse Law page on our website at